We’re closed for the summer!


Your FREE K-8 Student Reward Program

At LaRosa's we believe every student deserves to be recognized for his or her hard work in the classroom. That's why nearly 30 years ago we created PizzAchievement for K-8 educators. Since then, we've supported the classroom rewards programs of thousands of teachers, principals, and home school providers just like you.

How The Program Works

• Only Kindergarten through 8th grade teachers, principals and home school providers are eligible.

• Once a year, complete the requested information on this page to order your PizzAchievement certificates, good for one small 1-topping pizza.

• Certificates can be used for dine in, pick up and delivery, Monday through Friday between 4pm and 9pm, or anytime on weekends.

• Certificates are meant for individual students to celebrate their success with their families. Please use them in that spirit and not for class parties, school functions or other unintended uses. It will allow us to continue offering PizzAchievement for years to come.

• If you are hosting a party, please call us at 513-347-1111 or 888.LAROSAS (free call!) for more information about special pizza pricing for schools. Educators also have the option to choose pencils as rewards instead of certificates.

How to Make it Special

We want to celebrate any student who earns a PizzAchievement certificate and make them feel special. Please fill out the space for your student’s name on the front and your name on the back to help us.

Pizzachievement Sign

PizzAchievement is now CLOSED for the summer and will reopen in the fall. Sign up below to be notified when we reopen!

If you're new to the program or want to be alerted to when PizzAchievement reopens, please fill out the form below to be put on our summer reminder list. We'll send an email in the fall to let you know when it's time to place an order for next year! You must provide your K-8 email address. All fields required.

Please correct the following errors:

Please ensure all information is correct before submitting.

Pizza Party Bonus!

For class pizza parties, take advantage of our Special School Pizza Pricing from your neighborhood LaRosa's! Call 513-347-1111 or 888.LAROSAS (free call!) for more information.

Pizza Party